Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bush Market

I walked to the mostly empty Bush aka Obama (formerly known as Brezhnev) Bazaar today and bought a couple pairs of shoes. Apparently they've fallen on hard times with less and less falling off the back of American trucks as troops withdraw and Chinese knock-offs filling in inventory. If the ones I bought are knock-offs they are excellent ones--they came boxed and tagged and appear identical to pictures of the models I've found online for about 4x the price.

The market seems a great place to sock up on bulk cleaning supplies, cooking oil, etc. They sell boxes of a dozen Clif Bars (only chocolate chip, chocolate peanut crunch, and crunchy peanut butter flavors though) for about $3.50, though they are almost all recently expired. I guess Clif shipments have ground to the halt as part of the US military drawdown. When I asked about fresher bars because the whole stack he had were dated 14 July, a teenage shopkeeper played ignorant but them as I started to walk away said Wait, I can get you 24 September bars. He couldn't find any in the end though. I do regret not buying the one box of 14 September bars I found--that's like a 90% discount off of bodega prices.

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